An ACH Credit is a type of ACH transfer where a user triggers funds to be sent to a specific payee. This new feature allows us to use Stripe’s functionality of generating virtual accounts and routing numbers for clients; allowing for auto-reconciliation of online invoices with offline payments. This new feature also provides merchants cost savings in gateway fees.
Note: This feature is limited to Stripe and only available for USD currency at this time.
Enable ACH Credit
ACH Credit must be enabled in Ordway via two separate settings, one at the company and also at the customer level.
Enable ACH Credit at Company Level
- Navigate to Menu > Setup > Payments > Payment Gateway.
- Select settings next to Stripe.
- Check ACH Credit Transfer.
- Optionally select Apply ACH Credit Payment to Invoices to allow payments to auto apply to invoices within Ordway. See Use Case Examples below.
- Save when finished.
Use Case example when Apply ACH Credit Payment to Invoices is toggled ON:
- The customer funds $1,500 and is invoiced for $1,200. In this case, $1,200 is charged from the balance and the remaining $300 appears as an ACH Credit Balance on the Customer Detail page. This amount can then be manually used to create payments later via the Payments module.
Use Case example when when Apply ACH Credit Payment to Invoices is toggled OFF:
- The customer funds $1,500 and is invoiced for $1,200. In this case, the full $1,500 is available in Ordway as an unapplied Payment and can be applied to Invoices manually.
Enable ACH Credit at Customer Level
Once ACH Credit is enabled at the company level, customers must also be enabled via the Customer Details page.
- Navigate to Menu > Customer Accounts.
- Open the desired Customer.
- Check ACH Credit in the Electronic Payment Methods section.
- Save when finished.
Once that banking information is stored within Ordway, the Customer Details page will display the following that are available to be applied to Invoice Templates:
- Account Name
- Routing Number
- Account Number
- SWIFT Code
- ACH Credit Balance
Reach out to our Support team to have this information added to Invoice Templates.
ACH Credit Payments via Customer Portal
Once ACH Credit has been enabled for both the company and customer, customers can make ACH Credit payments within the Customer Portal.
- Access Customer Portal and click Make Payment.
- Under Choose Payment, select Bank Transfer (ACH Credit Transfer).
- Bank information is displayed for the customer to copy.
- End customer uses the copied bank information when making a payment via a bank account to complete the transfer.
Refund ACH Credits
Refunds can be processed using Ordway’s Refund option via the Payment module. A new email address field is required in order for Stripe to process the refund.
Stripe requires the end user to provide the bank account to where the refund is to be sent.
Example email:
Click Complete Refund.
Confirm the banking information.
Example bank confirmation:
Stripe will handle the refund after confirmation.
Once submitted, the Refund reflects in Ordway as Pending.
Finalized Refunds from Stripe display in Ordway as Processed status.
Disable ACH Credit
When ACH Credit is disabled at a Company level, the feature is unavailable for all accounts.
When ACH Credit is disabled at a Customer level, the feature is unavailable only for the specified Customer. However, this does not remove the associated virtual bank account from within Stripe. Any refunds would be handled directly from the Stripe dashboard.
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