Note: This Object will be available in the July Sandbox Release.
Quotes can be imported to manage quote content or to create new Quotes. Imports cannot be used to update the status of a Quote. This use case example will cover updating Quote pricing.
Note: Quotes in Draft or Out for Acceptance status can be updated via Imports. Quotes in any other status cannot be updated via Imports; use the UI instead.
Importing Quote data can be streamlined in Ordway by exporting Quotes that need to be updated, editing the export file to include only the data required for the update prior to importing, then importing the new data.
Caution: When editing charges in an import file, make sure to include all other charges for the Quote. This ensures that items are not inadvertently removed from the Quote during import.
Import File Structure
The sample import file for Quotes includes nested objects which are separated into individual sheets in Excel or separate files for csv. Nested Quote objects include:
- Quote
- Plans
- Tiers (if setup)
- Transaction Posting Entries (if setup)
Step 1: Build an Import File
Be sure to review Import Basics: Build an Import File article before proceeding.
1. Within Ordway, navigate to Menu > Quotes.
2. Check the desired Quote(s) to export on the left side of the Quotes list.
3. Click Export Quotes from the Actions menu.
4. Establish Parameters:
- Click Current Search
- Select Export Format
- Click Process Offline when exporting more than 20K records.
5. Click Export when finished.
6. Save the file to your desktop.
7. Open the Export file and update the fields you are importing.
8. Populate the data. Reference required fields for Quote Imports.
When updating Tiers or Transaction Posting Entries, all records and fields must be included in the import file. The import process overwrites the records on update by deleting all of the records for that subscription and creating new records from your import file. Therefore, any records intentionally left out of the import file will be deleted.
For this use case where we are importing updated Quotes, we will include:
Quote Tab
- ID
Plans Tab
- Quote ID
- Quote Line ID
- Charge ID
- Charge Name
- Plan ID
- Plan Name
- Product ID
- Product Name
- Pricing Model
- List Price
- Quantity
- Effective Price
- Charge Timing
- Charge Type
Tiers Tab
- Quote ID
- Quote Line ID
- Starting Unit
- Ending Unit
- Price
- Type
- Tier
9. Save the file when finished.
Update Pricing:
To update pricing, edit the List Price in the Quote tab.
Updated Price reflected in Import File:
Quote Tab
Step 2: Import Data
1. Within Ordway, navigate to Menu > Operations > Import Data.
2. Select Proceed next to Quotes.
3. Click Select File to navigate to the populated Quote template from Step 1. Accepted file types include .csv, .xlsx, or .zip.
4. Optional: Send import results in an email.
Click the toggle next to ‘Send import results to the following email address(es). Use a comma to separate each address.’
5. Click Next to continue.
6. Verify the object data to be uploaded with the corresponding spreadsheet tab.
7. Click Next to continue.
8. Verify all columns are correctly mapped on the Map Columns screen for each tab in the import file. Ordway automatically maps fields with the same name. Review all mappings to ensure they are correct.
Select the Date Format in the import file to match the Date Format field drop-down in the Import Wizard.
To edit or customize available mappings, read about how to Save Field Mappings.
Credit Tab
Credit Line Items Tab
Billing Contact Tab
Shipping Contact Tab
9. Click Next to Continue.
The screen displays the number of records found.
10. Click Import to continue.
11. The screen displays the total number of rows processed per tab and any rows with errors. View failed record reasons by hovering over the error icon in red on the corresponding row.
Fix any errors by clicking Fix Errors, then click in the individual cell to edit the value.
Note: Be sure to check each tab included in the import and correct all errors.
Example error:
12. Once any errors are corrected, click Import.
13. Once the import completes, view the results including the number of records processed and records skipped due to errors.
14. Click Done. You are automatically returned to the most recently visited page.
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