A status is displayed in Ordway when an email is sent indicating the success or failure of the communication. Read more about confirming sent emails.
Email statuses are as follows:
Email was not immediately delivered due to an issue on the receiving server. An example includes a technical issue on the receiving server.
Once Ordway receives the initial reply from the recipient's email server that their email was deferred, no further calls are made. However, Ordway updates the status when their server sends an updated status. This is why some deferred emails remain in that status, while others are updated to delivered.
Email received successfully. No further action required.
Email is queued in the server to be sent.
Resolution: If not sent in a reasonable amount of time, resend the email via the Customer Account Email History section.
Hard Bounced
Email could not be delivered for permanent reasons. Examples include a non existent email address, domain name, or the server is not accepting emails. Hard bounced emails are not automatically resent.
Resolution: Use another communication method to contact the recipient and verify the email address and domain name.
A response was received from the mail server that the email address does not exist.
Resolution: Contact the recipient and verify the email address provided.
Link Clicked
The email recipient clicked a link within the email. Example: to view an invoice or to make a payment.
Marked Spam
Recipient marked the email as SPAM.
Recipient successfully opened the email.
Email rejected by Email SMTP Server/Service. Examples include incorrect server settings or a network connectivity issue.
Resolution: Check SMTP server authentication/Service settings.
Note: Emails that have been rejected must be manually resent once the issue is resolved.
Soft Bounced
Email could not be delivered for a temporary reason. Examples include the recipient's inbox is full or the included file is too large. Soft bounced emails are generally resent within a few days.
Resolution: Use another communication method to contact the recipient to discuss the issue. The recipient can check their inbox and review other settings to rectify as needed.
The email has been sent and Ordway is awaiting a response from the recipients email server. Once received, status will change to one of the above statuses.
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